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Quiet Mind or Stress Free Life

In our modern world, stress is described as a mental health condition. Although this is not untrue, did you know that stress has been around since the days we were bumping dinosaurs over the head. Stress is natural, a biological reaction in our bodies to keep us driven and most importantly, to keep us safe. The origin of stress is more complex than just an oversized workload or the perception that someone doesn’t have the ability to handle a situation. Stress has a biological basis, which happens within the brain, but can affect many different aspects of our bodies.

What’s going on behind the scenes?

So, modern science is right, stress does affect our mental health. The processes that become stimulated in response to stress and the releasing of hormones and chemical happens in the brain.

Part of this process involves certain chemicals called ‘noradrenaline’ and ‘adrenaline’ being released which gets our bodies ready for “fight or flight”. This response means blood gets diverted away from organs and rushes to parts of the body which can help the body react quicker in stressful situations. This reaction is handy when faced with actual danger but in a society where we’re constantly bombarded with stimulating contents or situations, it risks not only people making brash illogical decisions but takes it toll on our bodies, in a way you may not have realised.

Let’s go back to the blood being diverted away from organs, one of the first areas where blood is taken from is the digestive system. Not having a good blood supply means the digestion is interrupted or has difficulty working effectively. Doesn’t sound too bad?... until you explore the fact that at least 1 in 4 people suffer with IBS symptoms, which can be caused by food passing too quickly or too slowly, in turn, caused by a digestive system not working

So many people today have bodies that are constant in a biological state of stress, for so long that it becomes their normal, but it’s not. Long periods of stress put the body in a state of imbalance which can take its toll of it’s defence system. This constant fight results in a lower immune system; resulting in frequent cold and flu symptoms and the body taking longer to fight these symptoms in comparison to someone who’s body is balanced.


London, with my mentor David Key - Best Selling Author, Transformative Coach, NLP Trainer and Master Trainer of Hypnosis 

Cortisol is closely associated with stress, but what does it actually do?

Cortisol is a hormone released when the body initiates a response to what it deems as a stressor. Cortisol can be useful, when released it binds to the receptors of neurons which can strengthen them and help them to withstand new stressful experiences, building your resilience to stressful situations. However, high levels of cortisol for long periods of time in the blood can lead to damage of these neurons, simply- it damages your brain!

Almost everyone has experienced a degree of stress, although the triggers can be different depending on an individual's past experience, lifestyle and resilience. Typical physical effects can be; increased heart rate, raised blood pressure, feeling restless, nausea, sweating and increased need to go to the toilet. These symptoms are the result of the body attempting to counteract the changes to the body stress is having and a bid to protect itself from potential damage. When the body is exposed to prolonged periods of stress it eventually gives up trying to compensate these changes and this is when it is at risk of developing both physical and mental complications.

Common signs and symptoms someone could develop as a direct result of prolonged
exposure to stress are:

- High blood pressure (Hypertension)
- Stomach Ulcers
- Headaches
- Irritability
- Mental Health conditions such as depression and anxiety
- Substance misuse
- Metabolism slows down
- Reproductive system and hormone production slow down
- Muscles tense up

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Mental Health & Stress

Stress impacts each person differently. Small levels of stress are healthy for an individual and cause no harm, after all, it’s a natural and biological response. It can be beneficial in pushing us to succeed, think of those nights you’ve stayed up late revising or put in that extra graft to meet a work deadline. Generally, after the body has started it’s a biological response to what it perceives to be a danger, it returns to its normal baseline without negative or lasting effects.


However, if this response is persistently activated, it can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and as already mentioned, have negative effects on both physical and mental health. In relation to wellbeing, the signs someone's mental health is being impacted on can include:

- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Anger
- Depression
- Feelings of hopelessness
- Difficulty sleeping

Lifestyle & Stress

Did you know that 90% of all diseases can be linked to not only

stress but our lifestyles too?

We live in a world of constant stress and overstimulation that is

repackaged and sold as the modern day. Social media, TV and the

internet fills our devices and our brains with the pressures of how we

should look, what we should think and how we should act dictated by people with no biological superiority over us, other than the fact they have more ‘likes’. We become so wrapped up in the noise of our own mind trying to compare and achieve more than the next person we forgot what truly makes us happy and unique.

We kid ourselves into thinking that the perils of stress must mean we are successful and
achieving, ignoring our bodies trying to tell us to slow down until it has no choice but to give
up under the demands we place on them. This burns out effect results in health issues, mental
health problems and overall a lower quality of life.

How do we combat stress?

It’s sometimes difficult to know the best way to reduce the negative effects stress can have. But what if there was a way of engaging in better habits and building resilience to stress or what our bodies perceive as stress? The ever-changing world of personal development has allowed me to develop a revolutionary weapon in combating modern-day stress…

… You.

By tapping into your own true experience, without any gimmicks or expert techniques, you can be guided into realising the limits that self doubt places on us and not only change specific areas of your life, but your whole life! This ‘inside-out’ understanding provides the answer to that missing link you’ve been feeling, more than any other method such as NLP or meditation as managed to do.

Our problems are deeply rooted in the mind itself. You don’t need to look for the quick fix,
you have everything you need inside you but sometimes all that’s needed is the reminder you
hold this ability. Through open dialogue, I will guide you in the right direction of being able to tap into your own potential.

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